
Listen and sing along to a song about the alphabet.

Language Level
Level 1
Average: 3.6 (38 votes)

The Good family wants to adopt an animal to take home from the animal shelter. Which animal will they choose? Watch and find out!

Short stories
Language Level
Level 2
Average: 3.6 (20 votes)

Listen to a song about a lemur and what's happening to her home.

Homes and furniture
Language Level
Level 2
Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

Listen to the tongue twister and practise saying it. How fast can you say it?

Tongue twisters
Bugs and insects
Language Level
Level 3
Average: 3.9 (68 votes)

We see lots of different pictures every time we go online. Why is it important to think about the images we look at? Watch the video to find out. 

Video zone
Online safety
Language Level
Level 3
Average: 5 (2 votes)

This traditional story is about a race to become the bird king. Which bird will become king? Watch and find out!

Short stories
Story Time
Traditional stories
Language Level
Level 3
Average: 3.6 (16 votes)

Watch Sam and Pam as they have a real birthday party adventure. Can you spot all the plurals in the story? 

Language Level
Level 3
Average: 4.2 (9 votes)

Watch Sam and Pam as they go on a sailing adventure. Can you spot the long vowel sounds?

Language Level
Level 3
Average: 4 (5 votes)

Listen to a song about a busy bee and the activities that she likes.

Language Level
Level 2
Average: 3.3 (6 votes)

Listen to a song about the elves that help Santa at Christmas. 

Language Level
Level 2
Average: 3.5 (8 votes)

Watch Sam and Pam on a camping adventure with Ben, Tess, Mum and Dad. Can you hear the sounds 'oi', 'ow', 'ear', 'air' and 'ure'?

Language Level
Level 2
Average: 3.6 (19 votes)

Where's Kitty going on holiday? Do you know how to use the present continuous for future arrangements? Watch the video and find out!

Grammar videos
Language Level
Level 3
Average: 4.3 (7 votes)

English courses for children aged 6-17

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