Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the text and do the other exercises.
Echo and Hera
Echo was a magical nymph. She lived in the forest and everyone knew two things about her. She had a beautiful voice and she was very kind.
One day Zeus ran into the forest. He wanted to hide from his wife, Hera. Hera was angry with him because he did not love her enough. Zeus saw Echo. 'Please help me,' he said. Echo was afraid of Zeus and because she was kind she agreed to help him.
A few minutes later, Hera came into the forest, looking for Zeus. She was unhappy. Echo stopped her and started to chat. 'Hello, Hera, how are you today?' she asked. Hera chatted with Echo and soon she forgot about Zeus.
After that day, every time Zeus wanted to hide from Hera, he went to the forest and looked for Echo. Every time Hera went to look for Zeus she found Echo. They chatted for a while and Hera forgot about her husband.
Finally, Hera understood that Echo was helping Zeus. She was very angry. She decided to punish Echo. She went to the forest and took away Echo's voice. From that day Echo could only repeat the last few sounds she heard. She never spoke again.
Today we call a sound that is repeated again and again 'an echo'.
What's your favourite story? Tell us about it!
Green Glass House is my favourite story. It is about Milo and his friend Eddy. In the book, Milo and Eddy are looking for someone who stole a duffel bag. At the end of the book, they find the thief!