What is a family?

What's your family like? Listen to a song called What is a family? and sing along.


Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the song and do the activities.


What is a family?

It means different things to different people

What is a family?

It means different things to you and me


You can have one mum

You can have one dad

You can have two mums

You can have two dads


I've got Nanu – my little sister

I've got Ali – my big brother

Then there's our cousins, aunties and uncles

And your robot too!


What is a family?

It means different things to different people

What is a family?

It means different things to you and me


You can have a step-mum

You can have a step-dad

Be raised by your grandma

Or by your grandad


What is a family?

It means different things to different people

What is a family?

It means different things to you and me


I've got Nanu – my little sister

I've got Ali – my big brother

Then there's our mother and we both love her

We take care of one another


What is a family?

It means different things to different people

What is a family?

It means different things to you and me


Who are the people in your family? Tell us about them!

Average: 3.6 (39 votes)

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Fri, 02/04/2021 - 12:40

I have a grandma also and grandpa

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Fri, 02/04/2021 - 12:35

I don’t think that a robot is a part of a family

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Fri, 02/04/2021 - 12:14

My family has 3 members mom dad and me

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Fri, 02/04/2021 - 12:12

Let’s chat about it ok a robot is not part of a family

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Thu, 01/04/2021 - 10:30

Hi I’m DJViolet900 let’s be friends any one let’s chat all together I come to learn English Everyday I like to chat it’s cool isn’t it i love it and i like all the songs but I don’t like this one I spent most of my time here chatting join me I would love you to join me so it’s vary fun

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Thu, 01/04/2021 - 10:10

I don’t really like the song

Submitted by DJViolet900 on Thu, 01/04/2021 - 10:08

Blue pixie wand how send the link

Hi DJViolet900,


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Submitted by PrincessMelonBanana on Tue, 05/01/2021 - 04:30

mÿ fåmïly gràndmà ánd mÿ dãd ând möm i'm førtëęn my brōthēr fívêtëèn my family six familiy ^^

Hi PrincessMelonBanana,smiley


Thanks for your comment on LearnEnglish Kids. This website is specially for children who are 12 or younger. If you are 13-17 years old, we can't publish any more of your comments. Instead, you can use the British Council's website for teenagers: www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglishteens 

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LearnEnglish Kids team

Submitted by PrincessBuddyAnt on Sun, 09/08/2020 - 15:09

robot isnt a human just pointing it out, there. but this is my favirote song!

Submitted by PrincessBuddyAnt on Tue, 04/08/2020 - 19:31

It's a rly nice song I'll give it a 4 stars because, I don't know if a robot is part of a family.

English courses for children aged 6–17

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