Feelings are feelings

How do you feel today? Listen to a song called Feelings are feelings and sing along.


Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the song and do the activities.


Sometimes I am happy, 

Sometimes I am sad, 

Some days I feel good,

Others I feel bad.


Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings.


Sometimes I get excited, 

Sometimes I don't, 

Some days I want to dance, 

Other days I don't.


Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings.

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings. / Come and go, come and go.


Sometimes I am hungry,

Sometimes I am thirsty,

Some days I feel angry, 

Other days I'm calm.


Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings.

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings. / Come and go, come and go.


What makes you happy, sad, excited or angry? Tell us about it!

Average: 4 (28 votes)

Submitted by DuchessPrinceF… on Thu, 15/04/2021 - 12:36

I would be much better than that blah blah song.

Submitted by PinkBlackAnt on Sat, 10/04/2021 - 14:54

he he he ha ha ha hi hi hi luuuuuu

Submitted by CaptainChocolate5000 on Tue, 16/03/2021 - 14:43

So cool

Submitted by QueenTeaJasmine on Mon, 18/01/2021 - 14:45

this music is cool and says a lot abaut feelings .

Submitted by AncientPaper4000 on Sat, 26/09/2020 - 13:20

Im sad when my mom punishes me

Submitted by GreenRose300 on Fri, 31/07/2020 - 16:43

Good song, i like the melody I'm angry from my brothers, when they say bad about me Happy when everyone in the family is happy, or when my friends are happy Sad when i'm angry about my friend excited, when my friend comes to my house

Submitted by DivingUnitedSpring on Wed, 15/07/2020 - 17:30

what makes me. Excited-when someone at my home.Happy-when it is my birthday.Sad-when my mother shouts at me.Angry- when my family is not going to a tirp.And i like this video.

Submitted by DJNovemberFoal on Mon, 29/06/2020 - 13:46

Im sad because I dont go to my friend
I feel angry from my brother because he eat my ice creams I’m sad because I can’t see my friend any more I feel happy because i have toy’s to play with I’m calm when reading I’m thirsty after playing I’m hungry after I play a lot I’m excited for my party

Submitted by DJNovemberFoal on Mon, 29/06/2020 - 13:45

I am happy because It is my birthday

Submitted by DJNovemberFoal on Mon, 29/06/2020 - 13:45

I am angry because my dog are bad

Submitted by GoldCrystalWater on Thu, 18/06/2020 - 14:50

Happy-my family Sad-when I accidentally upset my mum Exited -birthdays Angry-when my baby brother rips books and when he fights me

Submitted by HelloGoodbyeNever on Mon, 27/04/2020 - 12:49

What makes me: Happy-peace Sad-animal abuse Excited-post packages Angry-stupidity

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