How to make a desk organiser

Do you have an untidy desk? Watch this video to learn how to make a desk organiser!


Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the activities.


MELISA: Emily, what are you doing?

EMILY: I can't find the pink pen. Woah!

MELISA: Here it is!

So, today, we're going to make something for untidy people, like you! A desk organiser!

EMILY: Oh! What a great idea!

MELISA: Let's do it!

EMILY: So, what do we need?

MELISA: We need some cardboard tubes, a piece of thick cardboard, some patterned paper, craft glue, a glue stick, scissors, a ruler and a felt-tip pen.

So, the first thing to do is to cut the tubes so they are all different heights.

Great! Now we have to cover all the tubes with some patterned paper.

EMILY: OK, I think I can do it!

MELISA: First, we measure and mark the length. Then we cut the paper.


EMILY: And then we put the glue on, right?

MELISA: Exactly!

So, we put glue on the paper and then we stick the paper on the tube.

OK, and here we have the base, already wrapped. Now we can stick the tubes to the base.

When it's dry, you can start to organise your desk!

EMILY: I'm going to put my pencils here, my scissors here … 

MELISA: Hey, what about your pink pen?

EMILY: Oh, not again! I'll put it here so I don't lose it!

MELISA: We hope you have great fun making your own desk organiser!

MELISA AND EMILY: Bye for now!

MELISA: Remember! To make a desk organiser:

  • cut the tubes 
  • cover the tubes with patterned paper 
  • stick the tubes to the base.

That's it! Now you can organise your desk.


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Average: 4.5 (18 votes)

Submitted by DoctorPopMaracas on Thu, 16/04/2020 - 07:58

This is good video

Submitted by CleverAntennaMouse on Wed, 15/04/2020 - 10:52

Girls the video is super

Submitted by MissCreamUnicorn on Sat, 21/03/2020 - 09:41

I love this video.I wold like to put in my pens,pencils and scissors.

Submitted by DrinkingMetal20 on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 10:53

I like this video

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