- Read the riddle carefully.
- Think about the words and all the different things they can mean.
- Go to 'Read a clue' if it's difficult and you want help.
- Go to 'See answer' to check if you're right.
- Answer the discussion questions in the comments.
Reading text
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years?
- Read a clue
It's a letter of the alphabet.
- See answer
The letter 'm'.
We can see one letter 'm' in the word 'minute', two in the word 'moment' and none at all in 'a thousand years'!
Do you like this riddle? Did you find the answer? Can you think of any more possible answers?
Hhahahahhaahha Thats a funny one you should come up with a riddle 😹