
children eating at a birthday party

Practise your writing by answering the questions and telling us what you think about birthdays.

  • When's your birthday?
  • How do you celebrate your birthday?
  • What's the best birthday present you have ever got?  
  • What do you do at birthday parties?
Average: 3.6 (50 votes)

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LearnEnglish Kids team

Submitted by BlueDragonGuitar on Tue, 22/12/2020 - 07:12

My birthday is on 1 8 July.I celebrate my birthday with,friends and with my family my best presents are peppa pig family and thank you.

Submitted by WhiteMonkeyPlayer on Sat, 28/11/2020 - 01:14

My birthday is on January 19th. I usually have a dinosaur balloon for my birthday party. The best present I have ever got was a big monster. It looks like the monster from my profile picture. Last year I visited the birthday party of my friend. We had a tall slide, it was two floors height. I had lots of fun!

Submitted by PrincessDrumSea on Tue, 10/11/2020 - 13:16

Hi I'm 10 years old. My birthday is on November 26th. My favorite present was a Kipling backpack. I love my birthday because it is so fun, I have a big party, with a delicious cake. I I celebrate my birthday with my family and my friends .
Hi my name is Sethuli. My birthday is April 21st. I celebrated with my parents and my aunt. My favorite present was a goldfish. I love my birthday. I had a big party too. Also I made a butterfly cake. I love it so, so much. And it was delicious.

Submitted by AgentCelebrity9 on Sun, 25/10/2020 - 12:18

My Birthday is 18 February 2010.My birthday is super fun.

Submitted by MissGuitarWizard on Thu, 08/10/2020 - 23:06

My birthday is 10 february. I invite my friends to play. My best gift was a robot named Bots. I play with my friends and have fun.

Submitted by PrincessSapphi… on Wed, 30/09/2020 - 08:11

My birthday 7th July. My Aunt makes cake for me and sometimes she makes muffin. My best birthday present is a book.

Submitted by DJMermaidWing on Wed, 30/09/2020 - 06:18

My name is DYMermaidWing. My birthday is on 30th May. My Aunt makes cake for me, and sometimes she makes muffins. My best birthday gift is a robot that you can code. When I have birthday parties we eat cakes and sing birthday songs

Submitted by WhiteCat80 on Sat, 26/09/2020 - 17:36

My birthday is on February 21st. I was born in Barcelona (Spain). I like celebrating with my grandparents (family).

Submitted by JewelSolarMoon on Wed, 09/09/2020 - 10:04

My birthday is in February 24. I celebrate my birday wuith my frends and my parents. 1st we go to play in micropolis and then we go to eat cake and we sing a birday song and finally I open the presents. My best birday present was go to disneyland paris. I play I dance I sing I jump and I laughd.

Submitted by BluePlutoHi on Sun, 06/09/2020 - 19:57

Hi, my name is Umut. My birtday is 07 October. We decorete our home and i wear costumes. I celebrate together with my friends and my family.

Submitted by ForeverPharaoh… on Sat, 29/08/2020 - 14:57

Hi my name is ForeverPharaohDigital I was born in a year 2009 as the Ox year my birthday is in 24 April 2009 and I am 11 years old

Submitted by CaptainFlowerWizard on Fri, 28/08/2020 - 09:40

My birthday is 18 June. Usually,I have a birthday party. We decorate our home. Then,my family and friends arrive. We always cook delicious food.My mother bakes a birthday cake! We cut it.Me and my friends have lots of fun!

Submitted by PrincessGalaxyLake on Sun, 23/08/2020 - 17:04

Hi my name is PrincessGalaxyLake, and my birthday is on 16 july 2008 and i like birthday too! Its fun!

Submitted by GreenSailingSpider on Sun, 23/08/2020 - 07:58

My birthday is on November 30th.

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