Angel! Look out!

Angel goes on an adventure with his friend. What dangerous sea animals will he meet? Watch and find out!


Do the preparation task first. Then watch the story and do the activities.

Story by Kim Ashmore | Animation by Cambridge English Online

Angel meets lots of dangerous sea animals in the story. What's your favourite sea animal? Tell us about it!

Average: 4 (50 votes)

Submitted by SkatingTuneBeach on Thu, 30/04/2020 - 13:17

I Like the video

Submitted by MissPocketRing on Fri, 17/04/2020 - 16:47

My favorite sea animals are dolphins and seahorses

Submitted by DoctorSwordfish800 on Mon, 30/03/2020 - 16:18

My favorite sea animal is a dolphin.

Submitted by ProfessorVioletFarm on Thu, 26/03/2020 - 17:45

My favorite animal is dolphin because they are friendly and cute.

Submitted by ColdPaper1 on Mon, 26/08/2019 - 17:00

I like this video :)

Submitted by RunningFootbal… on Sat, 17/08/2019 - 06:43

Good story.I like dolphins.

Submitted by LadyDoveRiver on Sat, 24/11/2018 - 11:35

I like so much

Submitted by SilverGarnetNature on Tue, 14/08/2018 - 05:45

i'll like a fighting fish & i got 1 of them

Submitted by PrincessTieTarantula on Wed, 16/05/2018 - 04:36

I love this video. I like Angel and Turtle.

English courses for children aged 6–17

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