April Fool's Day

girl holding fake spider

Practise your writing by answering the questions and telling us what you think.

In the UK, 1 April is 'April Fool's Day'. This is a day when people play tricks on each other for fun. A trick is like a practical joke.

  • Do you like playing tricks on people?
  • Is there a similar day in your country?
  • Tell us about a trick you have played on somebody!
Average: 3.8 (48 votes)


Submitted by SkippingSharkS… on Wed, 08/04/2020 - 09:30

I don't like playing tricks
I also don`t play tricks. It`s not funny. But I know some people make tricks for everyone.

Submitted by GemMummyDuck on Thu, 02/04/2020 - 09:42

Hello my name is Derem.I am from Turkey. Yes,every April I make a joke my family. This April I made a joke to my father yesterday night.I want to say my joke to you.I bought a creamy biscuits then I applied tootpaste instead of cream and I offered my father.My father ate this biscuit and said "IYYY this biscuit is very bad ".Then I shouted "April 1".

Submitted by SapphireFire3000 on Wed, 01/04/2020 - 20:00

I don´t celebrate that and I don´t like jokes very much

Submitted by HelloCoatMonth on Mon, 30/03/2020 - 17:16

i like playing tricks on people, there s a fool s day but on december, i was hidden behind a door and scared my brother

Submitted by IcyDiamond300 on Sun, 29/03/2020 - 11:08

I like playing tricks on people. There is a similar day in your country. I tricked my friend that there was math homework and she believed it.

Submitted by BronzeRockUnicorn on Fri, 27/03/2020 - 10:19

I dont like to get pranked

Submitted by GreenJavelinSeahorse on Tue, 21/01/2020 - 17:23

hello. yes i like playing tricks. yes ,in spain is on the 28th of december. 1 trick is to turn off the wifi while one person is using it. bye

Submitted by ProfessorVioletFarm on Sat, 21/12/2019 - 15:11

Yes I like playing tricks on people but not all the time . Yes there is a same day in my country . The trick was : I have told my friends that I will move to another country and they believe it.

Submitted by KingCactus80 on Sat, 06/10/2018 - 17:44

If you want to make a good joke, do not make it on April fools day because everyone is waiting from you a joke at every step or action.

Submitted by LordCoastTechnology on Wed, 22/08/2018 - 15:11

yes I like yes we have , it's carnival yes

Submitted by RedCoast2 on Mon, 16/07/2018 - 20:48

we do not have April fool day I do not want to play trick with people because some time instead fun its become worse April fool is for fun and laugh but sometimes the people do a very bad trick and the result came out very badly the people have to understand that it is only for fun

Submitted by DJDinosaurViolet on Mon, 26/02/2018 - 08:06

i like this mount.

Submitted by GlassBrownMouth on Sun, 28/01/2018 - 07:55

i don't like playing tricks on other people. Perhaps , It's funny but sometimes it make me unconfortable by silly tricks.

Submitted by NiceAntStore on Sun, 21/01/2018 - 13:25

The day is the same in my country (my country is Vietnam), I like playing tricks on some of my friends, but i don't like being tricked by people. However, it's so nice day :v

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